Tagged with friday fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers: An Open and Shut Case

Each morning, Katie took her place in line at the bus stop. She was usually first, but lately Nate, an enterprising young man, would be there first. He’d nod to her as he took his place in line. Now he would wait and smile earnestly. Then he began saying,”Good Morning.” When the bus came he always … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: One Man’s Junk

Friday Fictioneers: One Man’s Junk

“Wait!” I yelled. My son was about to toss a carved stone grosbeak into a garbage bag. My mother had carved it after her nervous breakdown. “It’s junk, ma,” he said. “You see these pennies,” I said to my son, “They were in my dad’s pocket when he died, the nurses gave them to grandma along with these … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: April 18, 1775

Out past curfew, the Sexton has the keys, and furtively enters along with a vestryman. Through the dark they carefully climb to the steeple. At 191 feet high above the town, they light two lanterns and hold them shakily out the window for just a minute. The fear of being caught does not stop them. The secret signal ensures word … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: I’m Just Waiting on My Son

Her words came on a gust of wind: “I’ve sent a hundred texts! Come pick me up NOW so we can get to Aunt Sue’s in St. Pete’s!” “Ma – there’s no gas in the car,” Josh rolled  his eyes wondering what the big deal was this time. “Josh, they said this storm will kill people. Get in the car..” As … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: Solitary Bird

I heard she left her husband… My Dougie says the son can’t stop getting in trouble at school… Hmm, they say the apple… What a bunch of hens pecking at the dirt. Gertie had a feeling they were talking about her. Perhaps it was just her insecurities getting the better of her. The same insecurities that kept … Continue reading

FFfAW & Friday Fictioneers 2 for 1

Laurel looked at her husband. “No,” he replied. “Dan, she’s seventeen. We discussed it with her doctor. It really is the safest and most responsible thing,” Laurel’s eyes travelled from her icy husband to the frosted-over window. She felt so cold inside. “You want her dancing on poles? That’s it – Going to pay for college … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: Safe For Now

I pressed a button to cool the atmosphere inside my helmet. Something was coming over the distorted ridgetop. I feared it was a Tebea. There was nowhere to hide in this desolate place. I drew my gun. I could make out its two large eyes. Reputedly, they could hypnotise a man in three seconds and rip him apart like … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: Inside the Stone House

Inside the stone house, a small stove blazed. Inside an iron pot on the stove, liquid bubbled. A large spoon rested beside it still wet and tinged yellow. Outside, chickens squawked.The old man looked up from his meditative spot in a murky corner. He listened and waited. The old man squinted as the door flung open and two men came inside. They seized … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: Girls Riding in Busses

Friday Fictioneers: Girls Riding in Busses

 Some adventure this turned out to be. The girls had met at Grand Central early in the morning and boarded the bus for Albany. At the station in Albany they had franks heated by red lights rather than the dirty water dogs they were used to eating. During the trip Anjuli exclaimed “Moo” each and every … Continue reading