Tagged with love

FFfAW: We Used to Walk Together

FFfAW: We Used to Walk Together

 We used to walk together under cloudless blue skies. Up the hill in the morning, we’d go to the mountain top admiring the myrtle in bloom. In the afternoons, we’d go down the path to the beach. I’d pick primroses on the way home. Today, I walked the paths alone deriving little pleasure from them. The … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: An Open and Shut Case

Each morning, Katie took her place in line at the bus stop. She was usually first, but lately Nate, an enterprising young man, would be there first. He’d nod to her as he took his place in line. Now he would wait and smile earnestly. Then he began saying,”Good Morning.” When the bus came he always … Continue reading

FFfAW: A New, Simpler Life

Mort leaned back against the railing. He removed his cap and wiped his sweaty brow. He placed the cap back on his sweltering head. Janey came out with a tray of sweet tea and ham sandwiches. She set the tray down and poured two glasses. Silently, she held one glass out to him which he … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: Rituals

Friday Fictioneers: Rituals

It was quiet and still in the kitchen. The late morning light shimmered through the window. Francis found a vase in a cupboard and filled it with water. He cut the stems as he remembered Gladys doing every Saturday morning. He placed the flowers in the glass vase. He set it down gingerly on the kitchen table. He … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: Lost

She cut the cowpatty in half and put on the corn tea. She sat at the table. The old man patted her wrist, “You are so kind to me, David.” “Who’s David?” she asked. He shook his head, “Lost in the war,” he mumbled,”So much loss.” She had found the old man wandering in her yard. “We called it … Continue reading

FFfAW: Last Game

The following was written in response to the 48th Challenge for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers for the Week of 01-12 through 01-18-2016. click here to read more or to submit your own. The Last Game “Let’s play  — Could be our last game.” That was David, always so dramatic. I watched him walk deliberately over to the pool … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: The Last Stroke

This week for Friday Fictioneers the following photo prompt was provided from Jennifer Pendergast who blogs over at elmowrites.wordpress.com. If you’d like to add your own take on the prompt or just read some others, please visit here. At first, I had nothing in response to this stunning photo. I thought I should write something historical, perhaps … Continue reading

Tipping Point

Long, I wandered in the dark Til a match was struck. Friction – Heat, Oxygen then a spark, Flame burns to an afterglow ——————————–/————————- i missed day three the Fourteener. I am combining day 3 with day 4: the loveless love poem.  I’m not certain I got the prompt today, but being on vacation with … Continue reading

what is —

It isn’t fleeting  Or carefree It is what it is when I become me You won’t find it wooing With wine and diamonds It is what it is when the world shines It isn’t worshipping  Or a celestial being found in outer space It is what it is etched in the lines of your face … Continue reading

Temperance Wanted

Feeling along the wall, I fumble towards a chink of light under a distant door. Once you consumed me delightfully,  Lit me like fire and powder until I combusted triumphantly — ‘Twas the end of the light; leaving me in darkness, groping endlessly.