Tagged with #flashfiction

FFfAW: We Used to Walk Together

FFfAW: We Used to Walk Together

 We used to walk together under cloudless blue skies. Up the hill in the morning, we’d go to the mountain top admiring the myrtle in bloom. In the afternoons, we’d go down the path to the beach. I’d pick primroses on the way home. Today, I walked the paths alone deriving little pleasure from them. The … Continue reading

FFfAW: A Soldier’s Letter

  Chattanooga, Tenn 29th Mass. Co.M November 29, 1863 Dear Mother, I hope this letter arrives safely and without much ado. As of this writing I am still, shall I say, safely under wraps. I ask that you not  worry about me for it is not me that we should concern ourselves with but the state … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: An Open and Shut Case

Each morning, Katie took her place in line at the bus stop. She was usually first, but lately Nate, an enterprising young man, would be there first. He’d nod to her as he took his place in line. Now he would wait and smile earnestly. Then he began saying,”Good Morning.” When the bus came he always … Continue reading

FFfAW: Go to Glory

“Come away from that window,” Ma barked as she shuffled into the darkening room. Turning to look at Ma, but not moving from the window, I said,”Isn’t it glorious Ma?” Ma set the plastic tub of rocks on the table and briefly looked out at the horizon. She picked a big stone in her hand and … Continue reading

FFfAW: The Boy Who Touched Too Much

Kheiron burst forth into this world hands first, climbing from his mother’s womb. From that moment, his hands were always busy. Kheiron had to touch everything that was nearby. Police were often after him for lifting things from the market. Girls gave him a wide berth for they did not like his roaming hands. One particularly hot … Continue reading

Friday Fictioneers: A Splash Quite Unnoticed

This week  Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to Purple, gives us the following photo for inspiration. For further interpretations or to submit your own please go here. A Splash Quite Unnoticed* Slumping against the wall she let gravity bring her down.  A fool ploughing through the haze, so I am; thought Mallory.  How can it … Continue reading


I waited. I stood under the midday sun and waited. The shadows grew long and I waited. She said she would meet me here. At this exact corner, under the midday sun, in one week’s time. I crossed off each of the seven days on my calendar. This morning I woke up as usual. I … Continue reading

Home Sweet Home

This week’s photo prompt is kindly provided by Dawn M. Miller. Thank you Dawn. This week I am linking up with Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. Each week they provide a photo prompt for a flash fiction piece of 100-150 words. They ask that each submission have a beginning, middle and end and not be … Continue reading