FFfAW: A Journey of a Lifetime


Avery exhaled deeply. More of a cathartic sigh. Climbing those steps exhausted her. She would find a nice cafe and sit in the shade. She’d skip the symphony tonight and rest up for her flight to Egypt tomorrow. Another leg in her journey of a lifetime.

Exhaustion seemed to bow to her every twelfth step.  It was to be expected. What she didn’t expect was to be alone – a widow and a grieving mother at 52 years of age. Death seemed to come for so many in her life. Now it was coming for her.

word count: 94

Written in response to  the 56th Challenge  of Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers, the Week of 03-08 through 03-14-2016. This week’s photo prompt is provided by Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode. Thank you Louise!

5 thoughts on “FFfAW: A Journey of a Lifetime

  1. I love this! I particularly like, “Exhaustion seemed to bow to her every twelfth step. It was to be expected.” That ‘hints’ at her failing health. Wonderful story and well done!

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