50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude

I first came across the idea for this blog post over at Rochelle Wisoff- Fields-Addicted to Purple website. I put it aside as I was busy getting ready for the holidays and really just wanted to do a quick flash fiction at the time. Now, a day after Christmas, I came across it again when reading Dawn Landeau’s flash fiction submission on Tales From The Motherland. Why not I thought? It’s only 10 minutes. So I grabbed my phone and told it to set a timer for 10 minutes and went about typing 50 things that made me happy or that I was grateful for in 2015.

Well… seems I need to be a little more happy and grateful or at least try harder to not think too hard. I only managed to think of 25 things. Here is the list raw and unedited (except for going back to add links) –

  1. mobility
  2. my son only got one letter home from the principal’s office this year
  3. waking up with panic attacks have stopped
  4. vacations – Key West
  5. my car is hanging on what I thought would be a major problem turned out to be a $154 fixable problem
  6. BRRC: Baltimore Road Runners Club for their camaraderie and getting me out and running again
  7. facebook for connecting me with friends and family near and far
  8. Blogging – for giving me a creative outlet and connection to all the other bloggers out there
  9. Writing prompts: particulary those hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers hosted by Priceless Joy
  10. My husband for putting up with my insane, moody outbursts and the messy house which I know drives him bananas
  11. Friends who make living in Baltimore County bearable
  12. Friends back home in NYC who allow me to visit and have a place to go in my hometown
  13. My son who challenges me and keeps me thinking
  14. Discovering lifespa.com  which has helped me to get my life and my health back to a manageable place
  15. Jennifer my hairstylist
  16. Having enough money to provide shelter, clothes, food and gas to get to all the places we need to and want to go
  17. heat
  18. yak tracks
  19. monday crossword puzzles
  20. my cats
  21. my boring life which is safe
  22. freedom of speech
  23. health
  24. my big sister
  25. the internet

If you’d like to join in, here’s how it works: set a timer for 10 minutes; timing this is critical. Once you start the timer, start your list (the timer doesn’t matter for filling in the instructions, intro, etc). The goal is to write 50 things that made you happy in 2015, or 50 thing that you feel grateful for. The idea is to not think too hard; write what comes to mind in the time allotted. When the timer’s done, stop writing. If you haven’t written 50 things, that’s ok. If you have more than 50 things and still have time, keep writing; you can’t feel too happy or too grateful! When I finished my list, I took a few extra minutes to add links and photos.

To join us for this project: 1) Write your post and publish it (please copy and paste the instructions from this post, into yours) 2) Click on the blue frog at the very bottom of this post. 3) That will take you to another window, where you can paste the URL to your post. 4)Follow the prompts, and your post will be added to the Blog Party List. Please note: the InLinkz will expire on January 15, 2015. After that date, no blogs can be added.

Please note that only blog posts that include a list of 50 (or an attempt to write 50) things that made you feel Happy or 50 things that you are Grateful for, will be included.

3 thoughts on “50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude

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